Blog archives > still data problems
vcysion on 09/26/06 | Comments (90)
well i reflashed my rom and my gprs/edge still gives me trouble in connecting after i make a call or if it has to reconnect for any other reason. only fix i find so far is to restart it. i get a variety of different error messages when it tries to reconnect. i configured the gprs exactly the same i would any other rom and i never had this problem. sometimes i even get a error message while im talkin on the phone sayin that "call cannot be completed, please disconnect from data and try call again"

I also found that the tab button on the physical keyboard doesnt tab the way its suppossed to. while writing an email, instead of tabbin to the next "space", i drops all the way to the bottom of the screen

Also, under recent programs it continues to add programs and know my list has reached 12 items lol